Traders said hedge funds were forced to sell as they deleverage, and investors were selling some Fannie and Freddie bonds known as agency debt and shifting money into bonds issued by large U. 交易员表示,对冲基金因为解除杠杆而被迫抛售,而投资者抛售两家公司的部分债券(即所谓的政府机构债券),是想把资金转移至美国主要银行发行的债券。
HTF trading was suspended in December 2013, a day after a Hong Kong newspaper alleged that shares pledged to lenders had been transferred to hedge funds for short selling. HTF股票曾在2013年12月停牌,之前一日香港一家报纸称,抵押给贷款机构的股票已被转给对冲基金,由其进行卖空操作。
But she says there are still many ways China could boost the attractiveness of the programme, such as welcoming hedge funds, permitting short selling and margin trading, and resolving uncertainties to do with capital gains tax treatment of foreign investors. 但她表示,中国仍有多种途径来提高该计划的吸引力,例如向对冲基金敞开大门,允许融资融券交易,以及消除有关外国投资者资本利得税待遇的不确定性。
Many traders are expecting levels to improve again next week and although some profit taking and hedge selling activity has capped rates for the moment support levels are still very much in evidence. 很多商人期望水平下周再次改进,出售活动的一些获获取利润和树篱覆盖比率此刻虽然支持水平仍然非常在证据内。
Investment banks and hedge funds are being forced rapidly to adjust their trading strategies amid reported panic selling in the US and European credit derivatives market last week. 投资银行和对冲基金正被迫迅速调整其交易策略,因为有报道称,美国和欧洲的信用衍生品市场上周发生了恐慌抛售。
In addition, the durability and stability, so that car is good hedge against inflation, as a second-hand selling price is high. 另外,耐用稳定,使车的保值性好,作为二手卖掉的价格就很高。
As mutual and hedge funds seek to raise cash in order to meet redemptions, selling of stocks that had enjoyed a good run earlier this year has started. 由于共同资金和对冲基金试图筹集现金以应对赎回,今年早些时候表现不错的股票已开始遭到抛售。
The prime brokerage, which provides hedge funds with custody and loans, and assists short selling, is highly rated by many managers. 摩根士丹利的大宗经纪部门受到许多对冲基金经理的高度评价。该业务为对冲基金提供托管和贷款,并协助卖空操作。
Measuring hedge fund returns is complicated by the fact that investors tend to be flighty, flocking to funds which have done well and selling out after losses. 衡量对冲基金回报率比较困难,因为投资者往往反复无常基金做得好,他们就趋之若鹜;做亏了,他们就会抛售。
The fast turnround also suggests that the hedge funds who make up the bulk of the short selling world were as caught out as other investors by the turmoil of the past month and had not pre-placed short positions. 这一快速转变也表明,卖空操作的中坚力量对冲基金与其它投资者一样,深受上月市场动荡的冲击,且没有预先布置空头仓位。
Hedge funds are selling short chinese solars with the help of oil and coal money. 在石油和煤炭公司的资助下,对冲基金在卖掉中国太阳能公司的短期收益。
The sharp drop in price on Wednesday was exacerbated by a single large sell order, with traders speculating that a large hedge fund could be behind the selling. 上上周三,一笔大额卖单加剧了金价的大幅下跌势头。交易员猜测,该笔卖单可能来自一家大型对冲基金。
A hedge contract involves buying or selling forward. 买卖期货涉及到买远期货和卖远期货。
They said that hedge funds were short selling stocks, which increased fear in the markets and drove stocks even lower. 他们声称,其股价的走低是人为造成的对冲基金卖空股票,由此增加了市场的担忧,并推动股价进一步走低。
Rising worries over a global recession, the unwinding of trades made by hedge funds with borrowed money and instability in emerging economies combined to trigger forced selling in loan, bond and credit derivatives markets. 对全球经济衰退的担忧加剧,对冲基金用借入资金达成的交易逐渐解除,以及新兴经济体的不稳定,这些因素结合在一起,在贷款、债券和信用衍生品市场引发了被迫抛售。
Hedge funds will be given easier direct access to the Indian stock market after the proposed curbs that have raised fears of a rush of selling by foreign investors. 今后,对冲基金将可以更容易地直接进入印度股市,而此前限制外资流入的提议,引发了市场对外资将纷纷抛售股票的担心。
Whether establishing a short or a long hedge, the main objective of hedging is to offset the price risk associated with buying, selling, or holding grain. 无论是建立空头套期保值头寸还是建立多头套期保值尺寸,进行套期保值交易的主要目的均为对冲伴随买入、卖出或持有商品而引发的价格风险。
A lot of this has been forced develeraging by hedge funds, which have been selling anything liquid to help finance the fall in the value of their less liquid assets. 很大一部分撤资是对冲基金被迫进行去杠杆化操作所致,它们一直在出售流动性较强的资产,以帮助为流动性较差资产的价值下跌融资。
Hedge funds that had funded investments in oil futures by selling short on bank shares were caught in a vicious squeeze, as this strategy lost more than 40 per cent in a matter of weeks. 靠卖空银行股为原油期货投资提供资金的对冲基金陷入了恶性的逼仓中,采用此项策略的基金数周内损失了逾40%的资金。
But if, for their part, exchanges built direct links to their ultimate customers-the mutual funds, pension schemes, hedge funds and Endowment Funds-would these abandon their traditional method of buying and selling shares? 但是,假如交易所自己与共同基金、养老金计划、对冲基金和捐赠基金等这些最终顾客建立了直接联系,这些基金会放弃传统的买卖股票方式吗?
Where private banks are trying to encourage their clients to invest in hedge funds, they are having to be more creative in the products and opportunities they are selling. 私人银行正设法鼓励客户投资对冲基金,不过,它们现在不得不在所推销的产品和投资机会上加强创新。
Short selling is a strategy that hedge fund managers use, and it involves selling a security that the trader assumes will fall in price. 卖空是对冲基金经理人所使用的一种策略,它出售价格会下跌的证券。
The duple hedge strategy is studied, which is used by enterprises in purchasing raw materials and selling products through the futures market. 研究企业利用期货市场既对购买原料保值,又对销售产品保值的二重套期保值策略。